Friday, August 29, 2008


Back by popular demand...... Pictures of Ethan.

Here are some fun pictures that I have of Ethan just recently. Ethan Loves to play on the trampoline at out house. He love to have Russ jump him around. So now when ever we pass the tramp on the way into the house, he says "TAMP" "TAMP"

Mom, Megan, Ethan and I got to go to lagoon last saturday, we were pretty interested to see what kinda rides Ethan would like. Well..... by the look of his face above... he really didn't like the marry-go-round. Funny enough... this picture was taking as we were walking off of it, he was looking back in horror of what just happend.
... The one thing he absolutly loved was the water fountians. We let him go around and play with the water, he LOVES WATER.... He is just like his mommy! He had lots of fun trying to catch the water as it flew by...... (we endend up changing his clothes because he got so wet)

Ha ha ha ha...... This is Ethan at his finest! He has the funniest faces. This is one of them. He was super happy because his daddy came home.

Okay Missy... This video is for you. This fotage is really long, I did it for my sister Missy because she really misses Ethan, I guess... So here is Ethan just playing around at grandmas....